Photo: Getty Images
(Undated) -- One of the most popular hunting seasons in Iowa kicks off Saturday, October 29th. Roughly 150-thousand hunters take advantage of pheasant season in Iowa before it concludes January 10th, according to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources.
Jeff Barnes, Iowa DNR Recreation Safety Officer is expecting a busy opening weekend, with a lot of traffic in rural areas. He reminds hunters to wear plenty of blaze orange and always have permission to be on someone's property. He says complaints about hunters on land without permission are common and can easily be avoided. If you shoot a bird that falls on property that a hunter does not have permission on, law allows the hunter to retrieve the bird, as long as the hunter in unarmed.
Barnes says the activity is a great way to introduce younger family members to hunting, once they have learned the basics in hunter education. He says the DNR has seen a growing trend of women and girls pheasant hunting.
For additional information about Iowa's pheasant hunting season click HERE.