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Iowa DNR: Pheasant Season Opens With Strong Numbers

Hunter Aiming Pheasant Flying Over Grassy Field Against Sky

Photo: Getty Images

(Undated) -- The Iowa Department of Natural Resources says the first weekend of hunting season appeared to have been a success. Matt Bruner of the DNR's Law Enforcement Bureau says there were a lot of hunters out last weekend, and many from out-of-state. The D-N-R estimates pheasant numbers are similar to last year, which were very strong. Hunting season runs thru January 10th.

“It’s the best bird numbers we’ve had since I’ve been in east-central Iowa. I’m still seeing hunters out today,” said Curt Kemmerer, wildlife biologist for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Maquoketa Unit.

“I counted 14 cars at one 475-acre area in north Iowa. The guys I talked to had seen birds, but also made comments about many more people than in the past,” said TJ Herrick, wildlife biologist for the Iowa DNR’s Clear Lake Unit.

“Lots of hunters out on Saturday,” said Matt Dollison, wildlife biologist for the Iowa DNR’s Nishnabotna Unit. “Bird numbers were similar to last year. Warm weather and standing corn made hunting a little difficult.”

The field reports mirrored what the annual August roadside survey found.

“Our bird numbers are similar to last year so that should make some folks pretty happy,” said Todd Bogenschutz, upland wildlife research biologist with the Iowa DNR. “I think we’re set up for a good hunting year for pheasants, especially in northwest, west central and north central regions. Central too. Quail is also looking good in southwest and south-central Iowa.”

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