Hear why Country of Origin Labeling is back in the news

Two major priorities of R-CALF for the new North American Free Trade Agreement includes reinstatement of Country of Origin Labeling as well as a change in the rule of origin in the agreement. R-CALF CEO Bill Bullard says in order to have free and open markets, both of those must be in the new NAFTA:

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He says the new NAFTA also needs provisions to ensure food safety and allow for snapback tariffs for market recovery when cattle prices are depressed:

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Bullard says President Trump is correct in calling for addressing of the trade deficit the U.S. has experienced with the original NAFTA which has grown to $ 32 billion:

Bullard 3

Bullard says President Trump understands the folly of pursuing trade agreements that allow those type of deficits to occur and then grow. NAFTA talks began Wednesday in Washington, D.C.

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