Please Stop Your Kids From Taking The "Hot Water Challenge"

Ki'ari Pope

There has been an increase in dangerous challenges taking over social media which encourage young people to make poor decisions in an effort to look “cool” to people over the internet. 

Notably, this year saw the rise of “the Cinnamon Challenge", which sees someone attempt to eat “a spoonful of ground cinnamon in under 60 seconds” – and he or she cannot drink anything; and the "Choking Game" where teens intentionally cut off oxygen supply in an effort to reach “a start of euphoria”. 

The newest challenge of the year is equally as dangerous, and like the previous two can lead to an array of health problems – including death. The new “Hot Water Challenge” is issued as an attempt to attack ones manhood… and there are two different methods. After being challenged boiling water is either dumped onto participants – which can cause severe first or second degree burns - or consumed through a plastic straw – which can damage the windpipe or cause it to swell which will restrict breathing.

Parenting Expert Harry Harrison Jr. joins me to talk over why kids are eager to "go viral" with these types of challenges.

The picture above?  An 8-year-old girl who died after attempting the "Hot Water Challenge."

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