Van makes Bonnie try Kombucha live on the air! Hear what happened!

Van likes to drink Kombucha...why?  Because it's good for him...not because he loves the taste.  However, he did find one flavor that he actually "likes" and he thought I should try it.  Not being one for trying new things that I already know I probably won't like...I was prepared with a full glass of water and wastebasket in case it came back up.  So, live on the air, I tried his Strawberry Serenity...and here's what happened....

Tomorrow on Van and Bonnie, what would it be like to live in a grain bin?  We'll find out...and four more chances for you to win $1,000 at 5:06AM, 6:06AM, 7:06AM and 8:06AM!  Tune in for your chance to win! Plus, I just found out, the Mega Millions jackpot is at $458,000,000!  And, we'll have packages of FREE plays for you to win!

Have a great day and try to stay dry!


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