800 Girls Invade Water Works Park - Girls on the Run 5K

Thursday night at Water Works Park, more then 800 girls in grades 3-8 will run a 5K in conjunction with a program from the YMCA.  Ruth Comer, Vice President of Marketing for the YMCA of Greater Des Moines, joined us in the studio this morning to let us know that team check-in time begins at 5PM, so traffic will be heavier than usual in the area of Water Works Park for the evening commute.  Pre-race activities include face painting, hair styling, giggling, etc.  The 5K run begins at 6:30.  Get more information at www.DMYMCA.org and click on Girls on the Run Program.  You can hear Ruth's entire interview here.. 

Tomorrow on Van and Bonnie, we'll have a representative of the Roosters Australian Football Team in the studio and we'll give you four more chances to win $1,000!!!!

Have a super day!



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