Des Moines Register reporter exposed for racist posts, paper gets threats

DES MOINES, Iowa - A Des Moines Register reporter Tweeted out an apology for posts he made on his personal Twitter account that he calls inappropriate or insensitive, and the newspaper says it is getting threats over one of the reporter's stories.

People are posting screenshots of the reporter's Twitter posts on the Des Moines Register Twitter site; a couple that sling the N word, one that says F--- the NYPD, and yet another that offers to teach kids how to turn tricks at camp (screenshots below).

The Des Moines Register says in a statement it is investigating the reporter's comments.

This is the same reporter who dug up eight-year-old social media posts from Iowa State alumnus Carson King, who recently raised a million dollars for Stead Children's Hospital. Those posts were made when King was a sophomore in high school and were a response to an episode of the TV show Tosh.0.

The newspaper is hiring off duty police officers to provide security after getting threats connected to the story.

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