Des Moines BLM Steps Up Presence as Group Surges Nationally

DES MOINES, Iowa - Des Moines Black Lives Matter is training field organizers today after staying active on the heels of politicians.

The group traveled to Forest City where they followed Vice President Mike Pence to the Winnebago factory chanting "No Justice, No Peace." Pence gave a speech there about a "Great American Comeback"

Black Lives Matter has staged demonstrations and met with Governor Kim Km Reynolds twice to pressure her to produce an executive order to restore felon voting rights.

Reynolds confirmed Tuesday that her staff is working on an order that she'll sign before November's election. Black Lives Matter has complained about being left out of the process, and has said it'll form a coalition to present its own executive order to the governor.

Recent polling has shown a surge in support for Black Lives Matter nationally with a majority of those surveyed approving of the group. Locally in Des Moines, Black Lives Matter is actively recruiting members.

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