Iowa Reporting Increase in Fraudulent Unemployment Claims

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IOWA - Iowa Workforce Development is reporting an increase in fraudulent unemployment claims.

It says claims are being filed using stolen identities or unauthorized access to individual accounts.

Workforce Development says it’s had no data breaches, but points to phishing scams and recent large-scale breaches of private companies for the fraudulent activity.

There's been recent reporting of some Iowans being unable to access unemployment benefits.

IWD is referring to unemployment insurance fraud as a national issue. It says it's working closely with the federal government and other states to share information about known bad actors or methods of attack.

The agency is recommending Iowans establish PIN and passwords that are difficult for an outside person or computer to generate, avoiding the last four digits of a social security number or date of birth.

IWD say indicators of fraudulent activity can include:

A mailing from IWD notifying you of a claim in your name when you have not filed an unemployment insurance claim.

A 1099-G from IWD stating you have income from unemployment insurance when you have not filed for or received unemployment insurance during the last calendar year.

A fact-finding call or notice from IWD when you have not filed a claim for unemployment insurance.

Your employer notifying you of a notice they received that an unemployment claim was filed.

Anything you may suspect as fraudulent banking activity.

Anyone suspecting fraudulent activity should contact IWD through or by phone: 1-866-239-0843

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