Iowa Attorney General joins letter to block pre-teen Instagram


(Des Moines, IA) -- Iowa's Attorney General is part of a national push to stop Facebook from developing Instagram for kids under age 13.

Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller and dozens of his counter-parts across the country think Instagram for pre-teens is a not a good idea. They've written Facebook C-E-O Mark Zuckerberg to explain why they think so. They claim Facebook has failed to protect kids welfare on its platforms. They say Instagram for pre-teens would make it tough to protect kids from the detrimental effects of social media.

See the letter HERE.

The attorneys general urge Facebook to abandon these plans. Use of social media can be detrimental to the health and well-being of children, who are not equipped to navigate the challenges of having a social media account. Further, Facebook has historically failed to protect the welfare of children on its platforms. The attorneys general have an interest in protecting our youngest citizens, and Facebook’s plans to create a platform where kids under the age of 13 are encouraged to share content online is contrary to that interest.

(Getty Images)

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