New Iowa Law Lets Pharmacists Treat Certain Illnesses

DES MOINES, Iowa - A new law gives Iowa pharmacists the ability to treat certain ailments in the same way doctors do

It lets pharmacists test for flu, strep, or COVID-19 and then immediately provide treatment following a positive test.

Governor Kim Reynolds signed the law Wednesday, which is meant to help people living in health care deserts with little access to services or doctors.

About 90 percent of Americans live within five miles of a local pharmacy.

The law will go into effect July 1st, but pharmacies won't start providing the service until this fall when the Iowa Board of Pharmacy is expected to finalize rules implementing the legislation.

Governor Reynolds also signed laws Wednesday establishing the sexual assault forensic examiner program, and the establishment of an automated tracking system involving sexual abuse evidence collection kits.

He biggest profile signing was a law that makes it easier to start up charter schools in the state. There are currently only two charter schools in Iowa.

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