Does Veterans Day still mean as much as it once did?

U.S. military veteran welcomed home by family. Children, hugs.

Photo: E+

Happy Veterans Day one and all! I hope that whatever you are doing today, you take a moment or two to pause and thank all those who served.

Today there are sales! We can save money on stuff! Not just those who served, but all of us!

Today there are special offers for veterans and free food for them too! Great!

But I am wondering if Veterans Day holds the same significance today that it did say 20 years ago for example.

Fewer and fewer people are answering the call these days - less than 1% of our population chooses to serve in fact.

Those who have served I don't believe are universally treated with the honor and respect they deserve and we are STILL letting so many down who need our help.

How about you? Do you think Veterans Day still means as much as it once did?

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