100 MPH Nebraska Driving Continues To Be Problematic

When Covid-19 hit, Nebraska State Troopers noticed a jump in the number of vehicles being pulled over for going 100 Miles Per Hour or more, with a statewide average of 90 per month in 2020.

And the trend continues;

"2021 was still high, and 2022 is still high," State Patrol spokesperson Cody Thomas tells KFAB Radio News. "As a matter of fact, so far this year, we're averaging almost 77 citations of 100 Miles Per Hour or more per month in Nebraska."

Thomas says in the five years before the pandemic, the statewide average number of cases exceeding 100 Miles Per Hour was 54 per month.

Thomas says when Covid hit, and the excessive speeding increased, they were hearing a common refrain.

"In some cases, we had people tell our troopers, and we heard this from other officers as well, they didn't think law enforcement was working, so they thought they could do whatever they were wanting on the road."

He says as normal traffic levels have returned, there's a concern of mixing more traffic with excessive speeders.

(Picture from Nebraska State Patrol)

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