'Let Them Grow Act' to have final vote on Friday

(Lincoln, NE) -- A controversial bill will get a final vote in the Nebraska Legislature on Friday.

LB 574, or so-called 'Let Them Grow Act,' would restrict any gender-transitioning medical care for minors in the state of Nebraska. The bill also includes an amendment that was approved on Tuesday, that would restrict abortions in Nebraska after 12 weeks of gestational age, or the first day of a woman's last menstrual period. Opponents of the amendment say due to the wording of 'gestational age' the ban would actually be more of a ten week ban. Nebraska State Senators shot down a 6-week abortion ban bill earlier this session, before Senator Ben Hansen proposed the 12-week amendment last week.

If LB 574 passes Friday's vote, it will be forwarded on to Governor Jim Pillen for his signature. Pillen has indicated he would sign the bill.

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