Quad Cities Preps For Busy Weekend

Foto: City of Davenport

(Davenport, IA) --The 49th Bix 7 and the 50th RAGBRAI are meeting in the Quad Cities this weekend. Tens of thousands of bike riders are expected in the area tomorrow (Saturday) as they complete the last leg of their journey across the state by dipping their tires in the Mississippi River.

High heat is expected along with the extra visitors. WQAD reports Genesis Health System is preparing for possible extra patients.

Genesis director of ambulance services Adam Haut says planning has been underway since April for the expected crowds at these two events. He says hospital has plenty of medical supplies for its medical tent at the Bix 7 finish line and more than 100 volunteers will be ready to treat people on race day.

"That's really what allows us to be able to take care of the normal patient population we'll see in addition to what we could see from the heat on the weekend," Dr. Michael Craddick, Genesis Health System's associate medical director, told WQAD.

Haut says due to higher temperatures participants may choose a slower pace, so that may limit the need for medical services.

"We've seen some of our sickest patients on some of the nicer days because they're going out and trying to set personal records," Haut said. "I think a lot of people, when we have these very hot and humid days...they know that at race time. They've already started to mentally prepare themselves that maybe 'I'm not going to set my personal best this year.'"

Foto: City of Davenport

Foto: Davenport Police Department

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