Clinton packs Des Moines school, protesters outside

Hillary Clinton rally in Des Moines. Photo by Wendy Wilde

DES MOINES, Iowa - Clinton rallies Democrats at Lincoln High school while Iowa Republicans protest outside with signs and chanting.

In a packed high school auditorium in Des Moines, Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton told the crowd that she will create jobs.

Clinton points to Iowa as an example for the nation in green energy, part of her plan to build America's infrastructure and create jobs.

Local supporters packed the Lincoln High School auditorium to hear the Democratic Presidential Candidate speak Wednesday, Clinton's first return to Iowa since being officially nominated as the party's candidate.

During Clinton's speech a group of protesters unfolded a banner near the stage, and one person was taken away in handcuffs by security.

Outside the rally were about two dozen Iowa Republican protesters with signs, chanting as cars drove past Lincoln High School.

Iowa Republican Party Chair Jeff Kaufmann says Republican Candidate Donald Trump is better suited than Clinton to help put more Americans back to work.

Kaufmann's comments made during a telephone conference the morning of Clinton's rally.

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