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Des Moines Botanical Garden Spokesperson Kelly Reilly says the lines have been out the door of the dome, to see the long awaited bloom of their three foot tall, Titan Arum. She says between visitors and the response they've gotten on social media, from their You Tube page, they've been very pleased at the reaction to this unusual, plant, and it's stinky odor.
She says when the plant bloomed overnight, the foul smell was stronger, by mid-day Tuesday, visitors could still smell it in waves.
Visitors to the dome told WHO Radio News, it smelled like rotting food, one boy described it as a smelly diaper, others simply described the odor as "disgusting," although they though the dark purple flower was pretty. All crowded on to the stone bridge overlooking the plant, to take pictures.
The line was constant, although moved quickly.
The flower is not expected to last long, and will likely collapse within two days.