What happened in the bathroom at the Newton Christian School?! Hear it here

Erin Good, Dietitian, joined us by phone this morning to talk about all of the benefits of drinking Kombucha, especially if you are taking an antibiotic.  Even if you're not taking an antibiotic, there are a lot of good reasons to drink Kombucha for your health.  You can hear Erin's entire interview here...

Van spoke at a fundraiser for the Newton Christian School on Friday night and Mark Allen was in attendance.  They just couldn't wait to tell me what happened in the bathroom!  Yes...the bathroom!  In fact, Mark was laughing so hard, he couldn't even talk about it.  Hear the entire conversation here...

Tomorrow on Van and Bonnie, we'll be letting you know how to get tickets to "Hamilton" at the Civic Center...and Kathy Coadie of Hope Ministries will be joining us to talk about FREE Thanksgiving Dinner for the needy and shut-ins.  Plus, we'll have two more chances for you to win the $1,000 Cash Christmas Bonus contest!  

Have a super Monday!


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