Homeland Security Chief Says She Did Not Hear The President's Vulgarity

The Secretary Of Homeland Security testified before a Congressional Committee today and, under oath, said she did not hear the President use the word "sh**hole" to describe certain African countries.  She did acknowledge that tough language was being used around the room and he *could* have said it.

Kirstjen Nielsen acknowledged the president might have used the s-word.

"Anything is possible. Yes, mam," Nielsen said in response to a question from Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., about whether Trump might have used the slur without Nielsen hearing it.

You may be tempted to sigh and ask why we are still arguing over this.  It's for the same reason that today's hearing centered on immigration.

Because we are about to have a government shutdown over immigration.

I hope you heard Rachel Alexander of Fox News Radio talk about the impending shutdown (set for 11 pm this Friday night Iowa time) on my show.

Democrats need to show their base that they are willing to shut down the government over fighting for a path to citizenship for "Dreamers," young people in the country illegally.

Republicans want the Trump immigration agenda (such as the wall) in exchange for amnesty.

In my mind, the Democrats go into this fight with the weaker hand.  BUT -  if  you can't paint the proposals for which the President (and by extension, the GOP) are fighting as rooted as racism -  perhaps they can win this ideological battle!

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