Peeps Launches Mystery Flavors

Do you like a good mystery? Do you like a good mystery that involves marshmallows? Well, if you like both, Peeps has launched eight new flavors, and three of them you have to guess the flavor.  

The mystery flavors are available only at Walmart and will be wrapped in white packaging with a question mark. You can guess the flavors and share your guess on Peeps' social media pages. Peeps will announce the mystery flavors close to Easter.  

As for the new flavors they are sour cherry, pancakes and syrup, Neapolitan, lemon sherbet and orange sherbet, which both are dipped in fudge.

Bonnie knows I love Peeps, so you've heard her share the new flavors with me on WHO.  BUT...would I dare try a MYSTERY Peep.  Am I scarred from my previous experience trying a mystery jelly bean offered by Bonnie -  which ultimately tasted like booger?

I -  because of my ardent love for Peeps -  will probably try the mystery flavors.  But I know that people who hate Peeps REALLY hate Peeps -  so mystery flavors are probably a DISGUSTING concept for them.

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