#plant 18 pausing a bit for rain

Which may not be the worst thing in the world for folks in parts of the state who have been running long hours for the past 10 days...get some rest and fix some thing that have broken in that time.  Before last night's rain, some soybeans being rolled in near Jefferson and wow, what a sunset!

Plant 7 1

Working to get the last 90 acres in was Kevin near Solon:

Plant 7 2

Then the rains came, and among the higher totals to the DuPont Pioneer A-Series Soybean text line at 515.999.5491 was this from Portland Township, Il:

Plant 7 3

Other reports of "1 1/2  inch of rain near Garner," "7 miles west of Oskaloosa 3 inches, " "2.1 in Washington as many are done planting corn and some done with beans," "drought is broken in Bloomfield area!! .15 inch Tuesday.  .25 inch last night.   Grand total  .4 inches! ! Wow, probably no dust until this  evening!" "2.7 inches rain in Decorah last 2 days,"  "2tenths over nite in Cambridge. Official report from Rain Gauge Rick," and finally a texter reminds us, :5 yrs ago, heavy snow over much of Iowa."  Very true.  We sincerely appreciate all the texts and pictures, look forward to checking in with you on Friday!

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