BROOKLYN--The farm that hired 24 year old Cristhian Rivera, who is charged with the first degree murder of Mollie Tibbetts, says they didn't use the federal government's e-verify system when they hired Rivera.
Dane Lang says that Yarrabee Farms in Brooklyn used a different system to verify his social security number, and that was mistaken to be the e-verify system by employees of the farm.
E-verify is a system where employers register to participate, then enter information from the I-9 Immigration Status form that must be filled out by every new hire. That information is checked for accuracy and against any other documents.
The I-9 form requires copies of the individual's drivers' license or ID and other information, including the Social Security number.
The family farm is not registered on the e-verify system according to a check by WHO Radio News this evening.
Tuesday night, a statement released by the farm said that Rivera had "passed" the e-verify system. Dale Lang Wednesday says that is incorrect.
He said that the farm now is in the process of registering for the federal e-verify system and will use it in the future.