WATCH: 2018 Best Tenderloin award presented to Three C's Diner

Bob is on the road today with the Iowa Pork Producers to hand out the 2018 Best Breaded Pork Tenderloin award.  Big thanks to the Iowa Pork Producers for the live look-in:

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Three C's actually placed second in the 2015 contest and owners Steve and Missy say they've always wanted to be known for a high quality tenderloin:

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They cut them at the restaurant each day, 2 1/2 - 3 inches thick before going into the tenderizer.  From there it's an egg dip, then flour and a combination of "secret spices' before the frier:

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Yum, yum, yum look at the presentation:

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Owners Steve and Missy Sanson and their outstanding crew:

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