Odd Summer Jobs: Grilling Tester, Yacht Reviewer

Looking for a side hustle? Companies that understand the power of social media are offering some pretty unique (and sweet) jobs. Chief Grilling Officer? Yacht Tester? Take my resume!

Companies are getting creative when it comes to grabbing attention, because they know the power of social media is going to help their bottom line.

So if you want an opportunity to have fun at work, post to social media, and build up your resume, here are some jobs to consider:

  • Mattress Firm “Snoozeterns.” You’ll spend 30 hours a week testing mattresses and doing video reviews.
  • com Pool Hop - The website pays you to review the most epic hotel pools.
  • Reynolds Wrap Chief Grilling Officer - The "Chief Grilling Officer" would be paid $10,000 to spend two weeks in August traveling the country to sample different varieties of barbecue ribs "from some of the top BBQ rib cities in the country."
  • Hush hush Yacht Tester - British luxury store Hushhush will pay you a crazy amount to spend a week living on a yacht and review it on social media. You could test up to 50 of the ships and make 65-thousand dollars in a year.
  • Naty Light Summer Intern - No money here, but Natural Light’s intern would be called upon to act as a brand ambassador at various summer events as well as create viral social media content, conduct product research and keep the brand manager apprised of social media trends.

My main "summer" job was within the St. Louis County Library System as a "page." Yes, the joke was that you had a chance to be promoted to a "chapter." My main job was to clean returned books and put them back on the shelf. Man, for several summers, I was the world's foremost expert on the Dewey Decimal System.

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