Ames firefighters & police get COVID vaccinations

(Ames, IA) -- More than 80 percent of Ames firefighters and police officers recently received COVID-19 vaccinations. Certain City of Ames employees are getting the vaccine in the early rounds of distribution due to their direct public interaction and duties as emergency medical providers.

“Getting our public safety workers across the country vaccinated represents a huge step forward in containing COVID-19 and reversing the course of the pandemic,” said Ames Fire Chief Rich Higgins. “Being vaccinated offers protection to our employees, and it keeps safe those we serve.”

“Until vaccines are widely available, Ames residents should remember to practice the Cyclone Cares four pillars of healthy behavior,” said Ames Interim Police Chief Geoff Huff. “We encourage all citizens to wear a face covering, physically distance, wash your hands frequently, and stay home if you’re ill.”

(Photo from City of Ames)

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