Photo: Jasper County Sheriff's Office
(Jasper County, IA) -- Jasper County Sheriff's deputies are getting credit for rescuing a badly injured eagle. Sheriff John Halferty says a passerby spotted the eagle Sunday, August 15th and contacted the sheriff's office. Deputies Kira Lazenby and Josh Borg responded and used ropes and other equipment to reach the eagle, which was in a deep ravine near a creek in the 96-hundred Block of Highway F-17 West, near Baxter in northwest Jasper County. The eagle was described as "not happy," but the deputies were not injured while handling it.
Halferty says the eagle was in rough shape, but deputies were able to coax into a pet cage and after several phone calls Saving Our Avian Resources Iowa (SOAR) was contacted to take care of the eagle, now named "Jade." It's suspected the eagle had been hit by a car and had road rash and other bruises, but is expected to survive.
Photo: Jasper County Sheriff's Office