Photo: Getty Images North America
Now we reach the moral questions. There were calls all over social media over the weekend and yesterday for people to #BoycottMcDonalds and #BoycottCocaCola - and frankjly that's likely to be just the beginning.
You see people are doing their own research - something I have been encouraging you guys to do for 11 years now - and what they are finding they are not liking.
Not only are fast food companies continuing to operate in Russia, they are being silent when people are trying to question them.
McDonalds and CocaCola are not the only ones by the way.
KFC, Pepsi and Starbucks and Burger King are also all continuing to do business in Russia and when all six of them were contacted by the BBC, they did not respond.
Dr Ian Peters, director of the Institute for Business Ethics, told BBC News: "This is not a time to sit on the fence. The world is likely to judge companies by what they do in such circumstances, and ethical judgement will be as important as complying with any government-led regulations and sanctions."
As you know, I have never called for a boycott of anything. I make personal decisions, but I don't share them because I will never organize a boycott. People are smart and can reach their own decisions.
I am curious though. Will you boycott the companies still doing business in Russia?
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