Principal Park, Des Moines, IAPhoto: Iowa Cubs
(Des Moines, IA) -- The Iowa Cubs Triple A baseball organization is scrambling to replace most of the outfield wall at Principal Park. I-Cubs Vice President and Assistant General Manager Randy Wehofer says strong winds Tuesday night toppled a temporary "batter's eye" and a large portion of the outfield fence. He says there were plans to replace the wooden wall this fall anyway, but now there's a rush to install a temporary chain link fence ahead of the I-Cubs next homestand, next week against the Buffalo Bison.
The Des Moines Airport recorded 40-mile per hour winds in the Tuesday night's storms.
"Minor League baseball is all about adapting to things not in your control, we never control the weather or if the team's playing well or, I can't say that I've done this one before, where the outfield fence has fallen down," said Wehofer.