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(Omaha, NE) -- Omaha voters could see a change in protected classes in the City Charter on the 2024 ballot. The Omaha City Council is planning on reviewing an ordinance that would make sexual orientation and gender identity classifications entitled to equal protection.
"As opposed to withdrawing, I'm making a motion to place this on file, so this can be considered for the fall 2024 ballot," says Omaha City Councilmember Aimee Melton. The council was considering placing the ordinance on the ballot this November, but say the city needs more time to review how the change would affect already existing city code.
"We want to make sure that people understand that it is our intent to advance this onto a ballot at some point," says Omaha City Councilmember Brinker Harding. "It just needs to have further discussion, further input, so that anything included in this does not have unintended consequences for any of our existing ordinances or codes that are in place."
Further information on the ordinance can be found here.