2023 RAGBRAI to End in Davenport

Photo: Getty Images

(Davenport, IA) -- RAGBRAI will end its 2023 route in Davenport, on the 50th anniversary of the bike ride.

The Register's Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa will begin on July 23rd in Storm Lake and end in Davenport on July 29th. Festivities will begin in Sioux City on July 22nd. The overnight stops along the statewide bike ride include:

  • Storm Lake, July 23rd
  • Carroll, July 24th
  • Ames, July 25th
  • Des Moines, July 26th
  • Tama-Toldedo, July 27th
  • Coralville, July 28th
  • Davenport, July 29th

July 29th is also the day of the 49th Quad City Times Bix 7. This year's RAGBRAI will be the first time the annual bike ride has ended in Davenport since 2018.

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