
Can Vivek Ramaswamy Capitalize In Iowa?

Need To Know Extra covers an additional topic that Jeff DIDN'T discuss during the show:

I was at the Ames straw poll in 2011 when Michelle Bachmann won. I stood by her bus and she gave a triumphant wave to the crowd and drove off.

And disappeared from the political landscape.

I still don't understand what happened. Bachmann got national publicity and momentum. She never capitalized on it in Iowa and that's why we are not talking about President Bachmann. My only explanation for what happened is that it caused her campaign to take Iowa for granted and focus on other states.

I think Vivek Ramaswamy won the Wednesday GOP Presidential debate. Will he capitalize on it? He DID appear the next night on my friend Simon Conway's show. But will he now pour money into ads in Iowa and ramp up his appearance schedule. How about a bus tour?

He MUST show that he IS a legitimate challenger to Donald Trump, who now holds a huge lead in Iowa. If he can seriously challenge Trump (even without winning), he can come out of Iowa with a pathway to the nomination. The caucus influences New Hampshire, which in turn influences South Carolina, which in turn influences....you get the idea.

Ramaswamy must finish strong in Iowa and force other candidates to drop out and endorse him. Step by step, piece by piece, he overtakes Trump that way.

So what is his plan?

Listen to Jeff's post debate analysis below:

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