
Post Labor Day - Time For Christmas Music!

Need To Know extra covers a topic that Jeff didn't get to discuss on today's show:

Merry Christmas everybody!

Well, not quite yet. The day after Labor Day, though - it's time to break out the Christmas music.

Don't you DARE Grinch me!

My two favorite events of the year are Christmas followed by the Iowa State Fair. And since fall is my favorite season, I just love to fill it with anticipation of the Christmas holiday. Halloween is always amazing. Thanksgiving is delicious. My early December birthday week is Jeff-apalooza. But nothing matches my love for Christmas.

Where did I get my love for the holiday? My mom. She's currently in a memory care unit in Central Iowa. There is a storage area for residents and my mom's storage area is full of Christmas items that I can wait to use to decorate her room. She'll be overwhelmingly happy.

Why is that? Mom really has never been really able to say. But she was born as one of thirteen children in war-torn Nazi Germany. Her family lived in constant fear and want. I think Christmas was one time that she and her siblings experienced peace, stability, joy, and hope.

She made Christmas special for my sister and me and now that spirit of Christmas lives in my heart all year round.

Ready to celebrate with Jeff year-round? Christmas music is ON the free iHeart app right now:

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