
Nebraska, Iowa Red Cross Volunteers Deploy To Help Disaster Victims

(Des Moines, IA) -- More than a dozen American Red Cross volunteers from Nebraska and Iowa are in Florida, Hawaii, and the Pacific Northwest, after multiple disasters.

Several volunteers from the Nebraska-Iowa region of the American Red Cross are providing comfort and support in Florida after Hurricane Idalia.

Twenty-one volunteers from Nebraska and Iowa are currently on the ground in Hawaii, after deadly wildfires on the island of Maui. Volunteers are providing meals, disaster health and mental health services, and spiritual care to help families and individuals begin the recovery process. The disaster response is expected to continue for several months.

Volunteers, including George, Eunice, and Terry (pictured below) have been deployed to Montana to help those impacted by wildfires.

Red Cross volunteers, George, Eunice, and Terry from Nebraska and Iowa on duty in MontanaPhoto: American Red Cross

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