Why Family Meals Matter

We all know it. Getting the entire family to agree on one dinner is sometimes exhausting!

In this guest post, Hy-Vee Registered Dietitian, Erin Good, shares why uniting the entire family around the dinner table still matters:

Big Benefits of Family Meals

· Eating together as a family can be tricky with busy schedules and late night sports, but even a few nights a week around the dinner table can provide priceless benefits:

o Less likely to become overweight or obese

o Lower risk of substance abuse, depression and eating disorders in children

o Increase intake of fruits and vegetables (*Remember: If you don’t want picky kids, try not to be picky yourselves. That includes eating your serving of veggies, too!)

· Teens who eat regular family meals are more likely to be emotionally strong, have better mental health, manners and communications skills.

All together now!

· Give everyone a role. More family member involvement = greater success in trying new foods/flavors!

· Get the kids involved and divvy up meal prep tasks based on your children’s ages and abilities.

· Teens/adults can kick off table talk each night with one of these simple conversation starters:

o If you could only eat ONE food for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?

o What is something you want to learn to do and why?

o School small talk: If you could teach any school subject, real or pretend, what would it be?

Bottom Line: By taking the time to share meals with our loved ones, we can nourish our bodies, build stronger relationships, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Hear Erin talk with Jeff about her top three family meal must-haves HERE:

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