Photo: Iowa Governor's Office
(Des Moines, IA) -- Two turkeys raised in Mason, Iowa have gotten a reprieve from Thanksgiving. Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds today (Monday) pardoned the birds, named Flourish and Freedom. The birds will now live out their days at a non-commercial farm in southwest Iowa.
“This wonderful tradition is a time to pause and be thankful for friends, family, and Iowa’s farmers. Iowa’s turkey producers’ dedication and hard work provide millions of families the ability to celebrate Thanksgiving with a healthy serving of Iowa poultry,” said Gov. Kim Reynolds. “Today’s ceremony celebrates Iowa’s turkey producers, especially the Moline family, 5th generation turkey farmers, with an amazing legacy that will continue for generations to come.”
Freedom and Flourish were raised by Iowa Turkey Federation President Brad Moline’s daughter Ava in Manson.
Iowa ranks sixth in U.S. turkey production, producing more than 12 million turkeys annually, and fifth in turkey processing. The turkey industry employs and supports over 38,000 Iowans. The state has two turkey processing plants: Tyson Foods in Storm Lake and West Liberty Foods in West Liberty, which combined produce more than 13 million turkeys annually.
Photo: Iowa Turkey Federation