Libertarian Congressional Candidates Lose Bid To Be On Iowa Ballot

(Des Moines, IA) -- Three Libertarian Congressional candidates in Iowa will not be on the November ballot, this after a decision from the Iowa Supreme Court, which upheld a district court ruling. A state panel had found that the three did not meet proper requirements to be on the ballot, that led to a court battle, which those candidates have lost.

Nicholas Gluba, First District Congressional Candidate; Marco Battaglia, Third District Congressional Candidate; and Charles Aldrich, in the Fourth District for Congress appealed a lower court decision, which agreed with a state panel blocking the trio from the ballot.

A state objections panel earlier ruled the three were disqualified from the Iowa Ballot, because the Libertarian party chose delegates to the county convention too early. State law says that state nominating conventions can only take place at least a day after county nominating conventions.

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