(Des Moines, IA) -- The City of Des Moines is hosting three opportunities this Saturday, September 21st, for residents to get rid of large items, hazardous chemicals, yard waste, and more.
that cannot be placed in the trash.
The Mega SCRUB will be at 1901 Bell Avenue from 7 a.m. to 1 pm. It's a special option offered only four times a year for household hazardous waste disposal, among other special services like bulk paper shredding and electronic recycling. The hazardous waste option is very popular. Residents are advised to arrive earlier for the special service, as space for disposed chemicals is limited. This will be the last Mega SCRUB of 2024.
Public Works will also offer their usual SCRUB events, including a yard waste option at the City’s Compost Center as fall nears. The regular SCRUB events will continue every third Saturday through November.
The Regular SCRUB event is at the Metro Waste Transfer Station at 4198 Delaware Avenue, from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The Compost SCRUB event is at 1601 Harriet Street from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Proof of residency is required and can be verified with an ID or a recent utility bill. Event rules, trailer guidelines and the full 2024 SCRUB calendar can be found at DSM.city/SCRUB.
Photo: City of Des Moines
Photo: City of Des Moines