Photo: jayk7 / Moment / Getty Images
(Des Moines, IA) -- Horizon Science Academy in Des Moines is reporting growth in numbers.
Laura Cannon is the school's principal.
"This year has been exciting," Cannon says. "We've actually added two grade levels. So, we have preschool and fourth grade that we've added. We also added probably another additional 100 students this school year."
The school is located on 48th and Franklin Avenue in the building formerly occupied by Franklin Junior High. It focuses on Science, Technology, Engineering and Math, or STEM.
"We have 45 minutes designated to science every day," Cannon says. "So, I know in Des Moines Public Schools they add it into their literacy curriculum. We're a little bit different because we're learning that kids love that hands-on learning in science."
Each grade is involved in a different advanced project.
"It's been anywhere from, I know our second grade classroom is trying to re-grow a pumpkin that they named," Cannon says. "That's in their classroom. They've done elephant toothpaste. We went out and we all wore lights for the solar eclipse that happened this school year."
Horizon Science Academy is open to students from all areas of the metro, and has students from the suburbs enrolled. Fifth and sixth grades are planned to be added next year. Registration for the 25-26 year begins in January.