Van Harden

Van Harden

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50 Percent of Netflix Watching Couples Cheat

Netflix just released a survey that says almost half of the binge-watching Americans admit to "cheating" on their partner by watching ahead on a show they agreed to watch together. Cheat watching is out of control with a 3x higher rate compared to 2013. 

Why must one indulge even though they know they shouldn't? Netflix found the answer to be a pretty simple one, lack of self-control, with 70% saying they just had to see what happened next.

Although it seems like we are the most gluttonous T.V. addicts, we're not the worst. We were fifth on the list of cheaters. Numbers were much higher in Mexico and Brazil. Europe is the most faithful, with Netherlands, Poland and Germany all in good standings.

Luckily, the majority says this doesn't cause a serious issue in their relationships, but there is the 14% that says it's worse that forgetting a birthday or anniversary. 

The most cheat-worthy shows are The Walking Dead, Orange is the New Black, Breaking Bad, House of Cards and Marvel’s Daredevil.

Even Michael Bolton is guilty.

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