Kathy Coady from Hope Ministries joined us in the studio this morning just after the 8:30 news. Hope Ministries provides a free Easter meal to the needy that come into the Hope Cafe in the Bethel Mission as well as deliver Easter meals to the surrounding community. They are in need of donations of ready-to-serve rolls and cookies for the meals. If you can, please put two cookies in each bag so they are ready to pack with the meals. This Saturday from 9AM-1PM is food donation day. Simply bring your donations to Bethel Mission at 1310 6th Avenue in Des Moines. There will be activities for kids and you can take a tour of the facility. Get more information at www.HopeIowa.org. Thank you in advance for your generosity!
Just after the 7:30 news, Jen Fletcher called us about the Mayor's Ride & Run event going on this Saturday. There will be a 5K Walk/Run starting at 9AM and the 23 mile ride begins at 10AM. Registration for the event is $30.00 for adults, $5.00 for kids, kids under age 5 are free. This year's event will feature a post ride meal at The Hub. For more information, go to www.dmparks.org.
Tomorrow on Van and Bonnie...two more chances to win $1,000 in the Make Your Wallet Great Again contest! Be sure to be tuned in after the 7AM and 8AM newscasts! Also, we'll be telling you about a new venture at Mercy Hospital and what an app can tell you about your driving.
Have a super day! I'm going to go home and put Grub-X on my yard!