Kevin Anderson, FFA Advisor for Des Moines Schools and some of his FFA students joined us in the studio this morning just after the 8:30 news. Their huge Des Moines FFA Spring Plant Sale starts today and runs thru June 3rd at 201 County Line Road in Des Moines, next to McCombs Middle School. The hours are M-F 8AM-6PM and Saturday 8AM-4PM. You'll find hanging baskets, bedding plants, vegetables, perennials, A to Z hostas, fruit trees, brambles, shrubs, shade trees, trellises and planter benches! Baskets start at $10.00, trees, shrubs and other perennials start at $5.00, bedding plants and vegetables start at $.75! The also have a couple of Polk County Animal Camps coming up where you can learn how to care for and show 9 different types of animals. You will receive a shirt, pizza and pop! For more information, go to
Just after the 7:30 news, Jami Haberl of the Healthiest State Initiative joined us in the studio to talk about the Iowa Walking College Fellows (which are all women)! There are 15 fellows that hail from 14 communities touching almost one million Iowans across 13 counties. The fellowship enables community advocates from across the state to participate in a six-month training program designed to strengthen local efforts to make communities more walkable and livable. The goal is to get all Iowans moving at least 30 minutes of every day. More information is available at or
Monday on Van and Bonnie, we'll be giving away tickets to Daryl Hall & John Oates and Tears for Fears with a special acoustic performance by opener Allen Stone! Plus you'll have two more chances to win in the Make Your Wallet Great Again contest. Ken Chester will join us to wrap-up the New York Auto Show and what's going on at Camp Sunnyside? We'll find out Monday!
Have a blessed Easter!