Craig Phinney, Executive Director and Founder of Cops Against Cancer, joined us in the studio this morning just after the 8:30 news. Saturday, June 10th, at the FFA Enrichment Center on the Ankeny DMACC Campus, Cops Against Cancer is hosting their FIVE-O BBQ Classic. This is their huge annual fundraiser. They will be having a BBQ Competition in the afternoon and then the "All You Can Eat BBQ" event starts at 5:30PM. It's all the BBQ you can eat for $25.00. The money raised goes to help people with cancer take care of expenses not covered by insurance. You can get more information at
It's time once again for the Stepping Out To Cure Scleroderma Walk and Family Day on June 11th. This year the Walk will be held at Grandview University on the corner of NE 14th & Morton. Registration begins at 1PM with the Walk beginning at 2PM. You can register online at You can sign up individually, you can join someone else's team or you can just donate if you don't wish to walk. My husband, Gene, and I will be walking...we hope to see you there. Gene has his own team "Gene's Team" if you wish to join or we have "Bonnie's Travelers" team set up as well.
Tomorrow on Van and Bonnie, we'll have more ZZ Top tickets to give away and we'll have Outdoors Dan with us as well as Dusty Wygle of the Nitro Circus. Don't forget to go to the WHO Radio contest page at to vote for your favorite dimples!
Have a fabulous day!