A big "thank-you" to Bob Quinn for sitting in for Van this morning. We made it thru four hours without Bob giving away something we don't have. Remember to listen to Bob during the Big Show each day as well from 11:30AM-1:00PM.
Yes there is a Downtown Des Moines Farmer's Market this weekend even though it's a holiday weekend. The market will be open 7AM - Noon as usual and Kelly Foss tells us this will be the first weekend of Iowa sweetcorn! You will also be able to get some tomatoes, green beans and lots more. Enjoy breakfast and lunch while taking in all the great entertainment as well. Remember, the DART D-Line runs a free shuttle to the market starting at 7AM. Just go to www.desmoinesfarmersmarket.com for all the details!
Gary Slater of the Iowa State Fair joined us in the studio for the 7:00AM hour to fill us in on all the changes at the Fairgrounds this year. The E. 33rd Street entrance has all been re-done as well as gate number 15 to make it much larger. There no longer is an entrance to the Midway. The stage in the Grandstand is going to be made much larger...the bands today travel with so much more equipment, glitz and glamour and the current stage is not large enough. That will happen in phase II in 2018. Someone asked about the racetrack and Gary said that would be addressed in phase III. The rides are now divided into three "Thrill Parks". The Thrill Ville will be located between the Grandstand and Ye Old Mill. Thrill Town is for pint-sized thrills for kids and parents and will be located northwest of the Jacobson Exhibition Center. Thrill Zone will have the heart-stopping rides and will be west of the 4-H Exhibits Building. The Budweiser Clydesdales will be here this year as well. Check out the website at www.iowastatefair.org for all the schedule information as well as concerts and to get advance State Fair Tickets at a $4.00 discount! Remember...the deadline to enter Iowa State Fair contests if July 1st!!!! Enter online!
Leila Rush, our producer, made her specialty for Gary Slater....Deep Fried Oreo Fluff! It was delicious! Way to go Leila!
Tomorrow on Van and Bonnie, Mark Allen will be sitting in the "Van" chair for four hours! Plus, we'll be talking to the Waukee Arts Festival folks, getting you ready for the big holiday weekend! We will be playing the 15 second game tomorrow for a great prize as well!
Have a super day!