Simon Conway

Simon Conway

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Berkeley rioters attacked man who ‘looked like a Nazi’ - small problem these thugs didn't care about - READ

BERKELEY, CA - FEBRUARY 1: People protesting controversial Breitbart writer Milo Yiannopoulos take to the streets on February 1, 2017 in Berkeley, California. A scheduled speech by Yiannopoulos was cancelled after protesters and police engaged in violent skirmishes. (Photo by Elijah Nouvelage/Getty Images)

A man was beaten by leftist thugs at the UC Berkeley riots in California last week because he 'looked like a Nazi' Small problem, but before that...

In an opinion column in the New York Times, Malini Ramaiyer, a reporter for the UC Berkeley newspaper, recalled talking to a victim of the leftist violence. 

"Then I saw someone wearing all black walk up to a student wearing a suit and say, “You look like a Nazi.” The student was confused, but before he could reply, the black-clad person pepper-sprayed him and hit him on the back with a rod."

Ramaiyer then says she ran after the man to get his details... turns out he is a SYRIAN MUSLIM, but the racist leftist thugs don't care..after all... he LOOKED like a Nazi!

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