Simon Conway

Simon Conway

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Maddie wins American Idol! Does this make you feel good? Today's Poll...

Maddie Poppe Wins American Idol

Iowa's Maddie Poppe right after Ryan Seacrest told her she'd won American Idol (Screenshot from ABC TV).

No organization has ever been better at cramming one minute of entertainment into two hours than American Idol. And maybe it was because I spoke to her a week ago or maybe it's just because she's from Iowa that had me rooting for her so hard, but when we finally got to the big announcement last night, I punched the air!

She'd done it! Maddie won! And she made Iowa proud!

And you know for me, there's something uplifting about a deserved win. She was clearly the best and it certainly made me feel good. Did it make you feel good?

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Our Polls are not scientific and are for entertainment.

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