Martin Luther King Jr. . (Photo by Central Press-Getty Images)
My personal feelings are that he'd be horrified - especially if he looked back just a few years and saw how far we'd come.
Now I think he'd look back to where we were in 2008 and compare it to today and would not be happy.
There are advances of course. We have a racially diverse Supreme Court; we've had a black President and we have black people in positions of power all over America.
But... that very specific dream which I think we were on our way to achieving, has been ripped away.
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character," he famously said.
Now today everything seems separated by color. From the Black Congressional Caucus to Black Entertainment Television. And far left Liberals (and not so far left if they want to be President) will scream "RACIST" at half of America if that half disagrees with some socialist policy. MLK Jr was a Republican.
So do you think MLK Jr be happy with America today or would be he horrified?
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