Iowa school boards think they are being cool because they think they are defying the Governor. Reality is however, they are defying the law of the State.
The vote was 49-0 in the Iowa Senate and 92-6 in the Iowa House. The law (SF2310) was signed on June 29th of this year. In contains the exact language of the proclamation that came a week later which was designed to show parents how they could opt out of the return to learn plan and continue to stay home if they chose to.
Local control, they scream - except that they do this only when there is political capital to me be made. A perfect example is the State mandated curriculum - we never hear a peep about that when it is clearly far more of an intrusion than determining kids need to go back to school.
Second reality check. Your school does not know what it's doing when it comes to on line teaching. They do the same things as if the kids were in class and they do it in front of a camera.
Third reality check. If you are going to be forced to stay home because of on line school, then you should really seek out the experts. There are many online learning environments that are completely free and the teachers know what they are doing and how to teach effectively. You're already at home. Would you want the best for your kid? Home schooling is now firmly on the table.
How about you? With school boards going online only, are you more likely to home school?
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