We are super ecstatic to be able to have a real-time, high quality, instant view of the Applied Research Trials being conducted by our friends at Kirkwood Community College on the outskirts of SE Cedar Rapids LIVE 24/7/365 by clicking here:
We had a blast kicking off the project on planting day May 7th! A big thank you to our friends at Stine Seeds for making it possible to get this project launched for you. Such a gorgeous look, with the skyline of Cedar Rapids in the background:
Planting season always brings so much hope and optimism, as the next round of modern food, fuel and fiber production begins by putting seeds in the ground, and sometimes it requires a bit of creativeness - how about using the pop-up tent and a few pick-ups as a windbreaker:
You can get your personal look out into the countryside 24/7/365 simply by clicking here and following the crop development all growing season long.