The USDA accepted offers for more than 2.5 million acres from agricultural producers and private landowners for enrollment through this year’s Grassland Conservation Reserve Program Signup. This is double last year’s enrollment and brings the total acres enrolled across all CRP signups in 2021 to more than 5.3 million acres, surpassing USDA’s goal of four million acres. Producers and landowners submitted offers for nearly four million acres in Grassland CRP, the highest in the signup’s history.
“This increased interest in working lands conservation serves two purposes,” says Zach Ducheneaux, Farm Service Agency Administrator. “It helps close the gap between the enrollment and available acres, and it leaves room for the administration to be innovative with the other conservation tools, such as the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program, at our disposal as we work to enlist non-traditional partners in our conservation efforts.”
He also points out that grasslands sequester an incredible amount of carbon in their roots that are resilient even during drought and wildfires. It also provides good wildlife grazing habitat and grazing opportunities for producers and landowners.
“There’s no better way to increase soil health than with thoughtful animal impact,” Ducheneaux adds.